Infant Services
Developmental Play & Positioning
We provide education and suggestions for age-appropriate developmental play ideas. It is essential for a baby to engage in play that is beneficial to reach their milestones.
Visual Motor Skills
Hand-eye coordination and visual perceptual skills develop with exposure to appropriate play and environmental experiences. Is your baby tracking toys, bringing hands and feet to their mouth, reaching for toys?
Torticollis and head shape support
Proper positioning and adequate tummy time are absolutely necessary for the baby to be able to strengthen, weight shift, and prevent the need for helmets or neck alignment issues such as torticollis, in addition to overall gross and fine motor development.
Fine Motor Development
Fine motor skill delays including immature grasp, and bilateral coordination (using both hands together) can impact so many areas of life including dressing, eating and coloring skills.
Sensory Concerns
Is your baby having trouble self-soothing, being overly irritable, or responding less than expected or stronger than expected to sensory input such as noise, touch, or oral input? Feeding and sleep issues can also be impacted by sensory concerns.
Gross Motor Skills
Each developmental milestone is achieved by meeting previous milestones. Delay or skipping milestones, especially crawling can impact so many areas down the road.
Infant Craniosacral Therapy
Craniosacral therapy (CST) offers numerous benefits for infants, particularly in supporting their early physical and neurological development. It can help address common issues such as birth trauma, colic, excessive crying, reflux, and difficulty sleeping. By gently easing tension in the skull, spine, and central nervous system, CST helps promote better alignment and fluid flow, which can improve overall comfort and functioning. For infants who experienced a difficult or assisted birth, CST can facilitate the release of any residual tension, aiding in the resolution of conditions like flat head syndrome (plagiocephaly) or breastfeeding difficulties. The soothing nature of the therapy can also support emotional bonding and enhance a sense of security, contributing to a calmer, more relaxed infant. Because CST is gentle and non-invasive, it’s considered a safe and effective option for supporting an infant’s health and well-being in their formative months.